Lily of the Valley
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Stray Catto · 1y

Ditunggu blundernya kayak si serpentist ya mink

Stray Catto · 1y

Kok gak kelar kelar kuliah lo mink?

I’ve graduated from a Bachelor’s degree (Pre-Med/Pre-Clinic) in 2022 and is currently pursuing my Clinical years. Doain yaa semoga lancar, semoga kamu kerja/kuliahnya lancar juga!!

⭐️ · 1y

val, mau enggak jadi temenku? [inisial Keiko]

Stray Catto · 1y

Are you currently seeing someone? Would you consider me..?

Stray Catto · 1y

thoughts on theodore archeniel dong ;)

How we got close to eachother was weird (and funny), didn’t expect we’ll be as close as we are right now. A competitive and hardworking fiery Leo, a straightforward person so he speaks his mind often (admire u for that bc I can’t). A caring and loving friend of mine, thank you for listening to my rants and weird antics hope you’ll never get bored by them. You deserve to love and be loved, wishing happiness to always surround you wherever you feet takes you. Cheers to an undry year, get laid buddy!

Stray Catto · 1y

Thoughts on kiyan anak cantik

Cantikku, gemesku, one of the very first new cyber friend I met in 2022 after afk 3 tahun. Always the cheerful, caring, funny, and witty Kiyan. I enjoy having you around, I found your antics lucu (kocak term bukan gemes ya min). It saddened me how back then you used to torture yourself by * and *. I hope you’ll find your happiness this year. Thank you for being a jolly bean, cocok dah jadi Yeri main jadi dia lagi dong? :3

Mikkelsen · 1y

How do you perceive yourself?

It depends on which mental ward where I want to be. Kadang aku anime, kadang aku isekai.

Stray Catto · 1y

Thoughts on AJ.

Males bgt mirip mantan gue yang setahun itu. Bercanda dikit, serious answer you’re a fun person to converse. Appears like that genius prodigy kid in class who’s armed 24/7 to swipe everyone’s dumb and irrelevant opinions. Bucin bgt fgs but it’s fine your girl deserve that, both of you are lucky to have eachother. Stay healthy, hope 2023 won’t stress u out that much abang. 🫂

Claireene. · 1y

Thoughts on Caca/Claire. Thank you, cayang. 🩷

I think I’ve said this before but Kak Caca seems cold at first…I was afraid to even have a convo with you but you’re very diligent in replying mentions so I thought “Ah gak serem ah, emang typingnya aja bikin atut”. You’re very funny kalau space, your tone is very soft and friendly. Terus aku amaze sama kucingmu yang buanyak itu kak…udah kayak peternakan kocheeng. Gemesnyaa semoga kucingmu dan kamu sehat terus, kakak cantik. 🤍

Stray Catto · 1y

Your favorite fashion item?

Recently, bags & necklaces have been growing on me. I haven’t made any purchase, just add them to my wishlist but I will. After thoroughly think which items to buy :p

Stray Catto · 1y

Mau thoughts on Lady! :3

Mi Lady, my sweet pumpkin. I love to see you in your element, pouring your views on this and that. I adore your knowledge on various trivias. Your soccer tweets are mostly entertaining, still remember the pildun drought during yuni era. It’s fun to have you around bc you’re frank with your words, not pretentious, and you’re not afraid to speak your mind in which sometimes I’m still afraid to do so, I adore you for that. Thank you for caring about my well being during my #stress era, I want to keep you close. The Minji to my Hanni yang belum terrealisasikan but soon. Love u lots, xx.

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