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Joshua · 5 answers · 1y

Is there any horror movie you watched as a kid that traumatized you so bad you still remember about it growing up?

Sadako.... I remember how I used to feel scared of watching TV alone at midnight just in case she is crawling out of there

cic★ · 1y

telor dadar/ceplok/rebus/orak-arik

Telur dadar endut yang adonannya itu dua telur ditambah susu dikit aja terus kadang ditambah sama daun bawang, masaknya pakai api kecil jadi modifikasinya telur mcd

Zoi · 10 answers · 1y

Saran makanan sehat versi kamu

Joshua · 2 answers · 1y

What’s a piece of advice from a stranger that you’ll always remember?

Every heartbreak shall be enjoyed? Like you will always experience any kind of that throughout your life, so you need to enjoy it as much as you enjoy happiness

· 3 answers · 1y

Whats good folks talk to me

I don't really know, but I just want to tell you about this. I was asleep at Gojek ride this morning (beneran yang motor), and the driver slowed down so that I wouldn't fall. What's good btw talk to me

Jane · 1y

Your comfort fictional characters, please!

Saturday sunset · 13 answers · 1y

What's your on repeat for this week, people?

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