Sachiel Jeremiah T. · 6 answers · 9mo

If someone have crush on you, how do you want to be approached?

Mmmm. Pelan-pelan aja, kenalan dulu biar sayang. 😅 Intinya sering ajak aku lakuin kegiatan yang bikin kita bisa lebih deket dan kenal satu sama lain, entah itu denger lagu bareng, nonton, main games, ajak join CA bareng (LOL). 🤣

Must be patient, since I find it hard to love someone. It shows how much they are interested in me, curious about me and excited about me, who always wants to know what I am doing every day and that makes them excited to live the day with me too. But, just do not have a crush on me.

With the smooth movements but can give me a feeling and impression that is hard to forget, that makes me always wait for the notification.

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