Alice 💋 · 7 answers · 3y

Why do you think Islam experiences more violence than the other major religions? You don't see many Catholic suicide bombers or beheadings over kosher laws

Last night I was talking to my friends about this issue. One of them said that all religions to some degree have asshat followers that use violence upon non-believers. He talked about Christianity as an example of a religion that has inflicted violence and pain on many people. I agreed with him but I said now the problem is Islam. Christianity has kind of been checked but Islam hasn't. I don't know much about other religions but Islam internalizes xenophobia. It teaches its followers to be kind to one another but violent against non-believers. Believe it or not this is actually a verse of the Quran. One other factor that plays an important part in this issue is that Muslim countries mostly haven't developed much in the past few centuries. They had a golden age but now they're mostly Third World poverty stricken countries. Some of them want to bring back that glory to their religion but they want a society according to Islamic laws - something which most people in today's world won't accept. This might make them feel angry towards others that they believe are in their way. Unlike some religions, Islam is very political. Perhaps the most political of all. It encourages its followers to martyrdom for the sake of establishing a Islamic society. The Quran is full of verses which promises heaven to those martyred in Allah's name and way. These highly political teachings deteriorates the situation.

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