Saint⠀𓈒⠀윤슬  ໒꒱ · 20 answers · 3mo

໒꒰◞ ˕ ◟ ྀི꒱ა  QOTD  !
꒰  i just finished a huge assignment !! what’s the longest amount of time you’ve spent on an assignment in one sitting ?

um . not very long i don't think . maybe 2-3 hours . i'm a procrastinator .
UNLESS THAT COUNTS LIKE .. personal projects ... cus in that case i've spent a good 5-6 hours researching some of my spinterests and making a notebook of information on them !!!

a whole day, we can't focus on something for the life of us if it isn't deemed important

executive dysfunction makes me soooo slowwww atttt everythinggggg i can spend like hours and get only half an assignment done rip ughhhh. it's so stupid it genuinely hurts honestly

not an assignment but i once accidentally forgot to eat for two days because i was so fixated on something and when i woke up the third day my body would not move o_o;

I've spent entire days fighting with executive dysfunction to get work done, taking breaks only to eat, and sometimes even eating while I work...

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