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☨ SCHUYLER · 16d

Idle chit-chat

An ask game!

🐈‍⬛ : For a fun/random fact about myself.
🖤 : For a random book I have read.
💣 : For a video essay I enjoy.
♟️ : For a fictional character I love (not a kin or fo).
🔪 : For a random thought from me.

Alternatively, you can ask me for book recommendations! Just state what genre(s) & themes you enjoy (i.e queer horror, enemies to lovers sci-fi) and I will give you some suggestions alongside a brief synopsis of their plots.

The Symphony System · 7 answers · 4d

Auuugghghhhh we're bored.
How much water have you all drank so far?

BobOmbMonkey · 17 answers · 7d

Hey chat I'm making spaghetti 🍝 who wants some?

Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 37 answers · 9d

QOTD — What's your D&D alignment? (Chaotic good, Lawful evil, ect)
Follow everyone who responds! Let's gain more mutuals & spread positivity ♡

r.⚣ · 6 answers · 9d

[ Ask All ] Please block me if you actively harass others for ___shipping. I may not support it nor do I like it, but I also don’t support harassment or threats.

Daniel · 14 answers · 9d

What have you wasted too much time on?

 𓂃 Vanity  ✚ ‸◟꒱ა · 7 answers · 9d

hii!! soo
a while ago i started this acc / another one and did a mini expiriment i followed proshipper only so i could find ppl to block . pls dont be misinformed lmfao . ik you were all proshippers and i was never surprised , i followed u on purpose just bc i hate u all and wanted to be able to know about and block as many of you as was physically possible
(copypasta from @ballerines <3)

I wonder what happened to just blocking people you don't want to see. I can't even begin to understand the mental gymnastics it must have taken to justify in ones mind the concept of intentionally following people you claim to dislike/hate just to.... block them anyway in the end? It just sounds like they want drama and attention, so I personally wouldn't feed into this any longer as you'll only encourage this person to continue this inappropriate behaviour. But that's just my opinion as a bystander

The Symphony System · 5 answers · 9d

We're about to conduct an autopsy on a frog

Fun! Be mindful of the smell. I found frogs to be worse than the fish in that regard...

 𓂃 Vanity  ✚ ‸◟꒱ა · 4 answers · 10d

One thing that still confuses me is that I had a past oomf who was anti-proship but followed obvious proshippers and comshippers, and was shocked when they "found out" they were proshippers 😭

I think there are a lot of people out there who probably don't actually care about the topic, but have to act like they do publicly (often to extremes) to appease / avoid backlash from friends. But that always makes me wonder if a friendship is worth keeping if you feel inclined to act negatively just to sustain it, or if that person is in the wrong regardless for going against their friends DNI irregardless of putting on a front to suggest otherwise. Though I suppose it is none of my business.

The Symphony System · 1 answer · 10d

Can y'all stop saying things like our death will come
Everyone dies eventually you don't have to remind us lmfao

I'm sorry to hear you are receiving such messages, I hope you get some peace and quiet soon.

BobOmbMonkey · 27 answers · 10d

In what format do you tend to listen to music, i.e. streaming service, cassette, vinyl, etc.? I've noticed that physical media like cassettes are becoming popular with younger generations.

Streaming services mainly, but I have a small collection of CDs I like to rotate between; we have this fancy-ish CD player that can shuffle songs between up to three individual CDs which leads to some fun listening sessions.

A solemn voice resonates; · 10d

how are you a system but don't know what simply plural is

The simple answer is we have not and do not particularly plan on engaging in system-specific online spaces, which extends to apps that aid them, as it is not something our host is wholly comfortable with. We also just generally prefer to map out such things the old fashioned way; with pen and paper in a cute little journal our therapist got us. Or our notes app. It's just preference really.

Also, I do know what Simply Plural is. I just didn't know an abbreviation was refering to the app.

r.⚣ · 3 answers · 10d

Do you get to the cloud district very often? What am I saying, of course you don’t.

Everytime I hear this line I think about the Skyrim Poops version.

Do you get to the cloud disteict very often? What am I saying, of course you don't. I'll have you know there's no pussyyyyy—

A solemn voice resonates; · 11d

do you kin?

Do I? Good question! I'm not really too sure, there are characters I relate to but I do not know if that is enough to consider them kins? It's not something I intend to overthink though. If you have any characters you feel like I could 'kin', though, you are welcome to tell me. It's an interesting topic for sure

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