
Milgram fanartist that loves Fuuta and Kazui.

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Anonymous Coward · 1d

Helo i am one of your mains oomfs i am here to tell you to be free be fujopilled i NEED to see the twink and the dilf do not worry about the silly idol game follow your heart (ginger twink getting rawdogged by the dilf)

Got it boss 🫡
Maybe I'll try to do something special for the big 10 year anniversary next year but for now I'll focus on the 0703 day next week hehe 🩵❤️

Anonymous Coward · 1d

I never had any socials during Ichu, so it makes so happy to see some art of the characters ! (Even if it's considered to be old FA work) Thank you for still sharing some of them 🙇

I still have a lot of love for Ichu in my heart!!! I actually just revealed this 0703 account to my main account (@custardantart), where I was active in the Ichu fandom.

For a moment I thought you came here from there, but was it that you recognized the "aw heck i camed in my pants" drawing as Leon instead?? 😭

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

i wonder if you have any thoughts/hcs about rume and fuu bc uve talked about them before ^-^

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Draw Fuuta sucking on those kazutatas that the old men has

The 0307 WIP has this (there'll be another POV showing it in better detail). I'll try my best to finish it sometime 😭

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

i saw ur tweet about fuuta getting addicted to sex as a way to numb pain and that's... a huge brain idea. pls share more of ur thoughts

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

do you think we can get suggestive HaruEs art?

It's not a pairing I'm into (I have extreme tunnel vision) and tbh I'm personally not super comfortable creating suggestive art of the younger characters, so that's a no unfortunately.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

opinions on 0901🥹(mikoharu)

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

will you ever sell anything publicly? example, the "43 little guys" tweet you made, the kazufuu plushies (i would kill a man for kazui) or any badges/keychains youve mentioned previously.. your art is soso lovely and i would pay good money to own anything of it! esp as a kazui fan, its so hard to find fanmerch for milgram in general, esp him

Not really unfortunately... 😢

I have intentions to "sell" stuff to friends and mutuals but only for production + shipping costs since shipping from my country is so expensive. I guess I could do a few extra private sales for non-mutuals but I also don't trust myself to try to "sell" anything internationally in a business way orz.

Additionally, there's a rule against publicly selling Milgram fanmerch that I don't really wanna overtly break either 😅

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

I like your Fuuta and KazuFuu art... I was wondering, if it's okay for me to use your art as an icon on Discord as long as I add your username in my bio? It is okay if you'd rather not, as well! I love your art a lot regardless, I hope to continue seeing more 💥💥 from you!!!

AWAWAWAWA??? Yes, that's totally fine! I'm happy you'd want to use it!
Thank you so much, I'll try my best to continue providing the Fuuta and KazuFuu goods!!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Kazui taller than the mfing door 😭

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Futa has small feet but big ass shoe, not even tied with laces so if you yank on his pants they are coming off together

I think I worded the poll badly because I meant without the shoes coming off either orz

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Could you please draw Amane biting Shidou's head? Do it as silly as u can please 👉👈

Hi Anon I bring this to you 2 months later!! Just a silly little thing kinda for Shidou's birthday before I get back to work.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

hi for the character requests you should draw mikoto!

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

You should definitely do the mob fuuta idea my brain is going places just thinking about it. The people want revenge for him fucking them over so they will take it 🤭

I kinda did a sketch for it once a while ago and I've got plans to include this sorta thing for one of the arts this month ^^

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