
ᯅ . . 回って、回って! さあ、愛の玉が回っているよ。 愛の温もりを必要とする人に向かって進んでください。 これはバミミ、あなたの愛のボールです!

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uh — oh! the weird_doll loves talking about all the things! it's bbamiing time! please don't forget to leave a carrot for a hap-pink boost! xx.


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Silas · 5 answers · 16d

Have you ever been told by someone that you remind them of a character from whichever media? If so, what character was it, and why?

Hannes Gihaldo · 29d

Good night, weird doll.

kaget betul?! : -O LIHAT, hannes-tuals! starboy kalian main ke secreto-ku, nih! eH, SUMPAH. takut banget aku nanti disamperin fansnya kak hanns. ; -c jangan serang aku, please.

Silas · 3 answers · 1mo

Do you think being logical equals being unempathetic?

i think— no? : -/ someone can be logical and empathetic at the same time. having strong logic can sometimes even help someone better understand others' feelings because it allows them to understand situations more clearly and accurately, which leads to empathy. however, there are also people who are very logical but may be less sensitive to others' feelings. this doesn't mean that logic automatically makes someone not empathetic. i think it depends on each individual.

Kahf · 1mo

Biasanya kalau lagi sedih tuh ngapain?

kalau bbami, sih, berinteraksi dengan banyak orang! sambil minum susu atau teh hijau, dan mendengarkan lagu - lagu yang ceria! ‹ -3.

ayaya 🫧 · 8 answers · 2mo

temen2, kalian punya engga mimpi yang sampai sekarang masih diinget? kalau aku, aku inget banget pernah mimpi ketemu boneka annabelle.. sampai sekarang keinget terus, padahal udah bertahun-tahun T—T

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

kamu kenapa lucu sekali wahai bbami 👉🏻👈🏻

a-aku. . aku sebenarnya bingung kalau dipuji lucu harus beraksi seperti apa. tAPi, apa iya — ? 🧐💭 lucu dari mananya, hayo? bohong, ya! ; -c terima kasih jika kamu beranggapan seperti itu! ‹ -3 tOLONG. . ini bbami sedang salting! boleh bersembunyi di belakang kamu, nggak — ? 🐌

ayaya 🫧 · 7 answers · 2mo

apa yang harus dilakuin kalau ditinggal tidur … 😔

siapa yang tinggalin ayaya tidur? : -O lebih baik, nonton! entah nonton film, atau youtube, pasti betah, deh!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I’m glad to see a weird doll had enough time to dream, yes, it’d be better if you also take a nap.

dreamy dreamy. . 💭 uh— icwanna dream about a b1G cheesy mozzarella p1zZ4 with mushy-mushrooms, sossy-sausage, and smoky-meat on top. : -'6 🍕 someone, please help pray! so, it comes true tonight! oh— no worries. my nap-naps been real good lately. ;; ꖛ hap-pink_bbamimi!1! i'm all fresh and peppy, just like a new babie. mEe - h3e.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

How was your sleep?

looksie! i snoozed soooo big last night, all the way till 6:30 A.M this morning—then i was like. .

"uh-oh! no no! just five more minsies, please. i'm still sleepies." 😴 : -z

mEe - h3e. that’s what i told my mommy. ng. . after not getting enough sleep sleep yesterday, today i got lots of dreamy time. and— whOops! feels like i wanna go back to nappy land again right now! zzz.

ayaya 🫧 · 1 answer · 2mo

alo temen temenku di retro !! ( ^___^)/ give me movie recommendation dong. genre apa aja, tapi aku suka psychological thriller !

ayaya 🫧 · 2mo

kak bbami!! ( >___<)/ hari ini panas banget gak sih?

benar! hari ini panas. selalu panas belakangan ini. : _'c ayaya, ayo kita saling meniup! ffu - ffu! kita masuk ke dalam kulkas aja, yuk — ? 🐇💭

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