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present something to ryker nation ..??!


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anon · 24d

thunderstormshipping: what ice creams do they like? Or do they like something else sweet?

I DON'T. KNOW, but please know that i appreciate this submission so incredibly much nonetheless because i've been wanting to think for things for sunsetshipping to do in summer specifically and, iirc, even did think about them getting ice cream, but discarded that idea fsr

but, being reminded of it, of course getting ice cream is one of The things to do in summer

anon · 24d

Whats the difference between sunsetshipping and thunderstormshipping? Im new here, sorry if its weird to ask /gen

NOT WEIRD TO ASK AT ALL, you're supposed to ask things in the first place and i appreciate that you looked into my ship, even if just the slightest bit, in order to think about them to the extent where questions arise

basically, there is none!! they both refer to the ship between my s/i (self-insert) lin and 💼 (whom i refer to with the 💼 or 📏 emoji in place of where i'd refer to him by his name because i yet don't want to reveal him on main), i may also talk about darkredshipping, which refers to thunderstormshipping's fantasy au

anon · 24d

I LOVE SUNSETSHIPPING do u guys like ice cream or anything sweet, what flavors will u guys get

can whoever sent this kindly resend this, but talk about thunderstormshipping in third person instead

it's incredibly important to me to differentiate between the oc x canon aspect of sunsetshipping and my selfship itself, but, since the ship name of my selfship combines our names, that'd be revealing 📏

anon · 24d

sunsetshipping baking something together, maybe like cake or cookies?:0

anon · 1mo

SUNSET SHIPPING SUMMER ACTIVITIES would you guys go to a summer music festival together?

I THINK THAT'D BE QUITE ENJOYABLE, YEAH, although i don't listen to a lot of musicians that like play at local music festivals or whatever, #vkeipilled, i still love luna sea so incredibly much, i prommy

but, like, this reminded me of the very first concert i went to and how i kept thinking how it'd go if i went to a concert with 📏, which i didn't think through up to this day, but i think it'd be fine, because why wouldn't it, obviously

anon · 1mo

AHHH SORRY I did NOT see your post (was asleep again) so I have a different question!! Does Worth like to go fishing? Since it's summer I thought of summer activities for sunsetshipping but I don't really think Worth would enjoy the heat much…but I could be wrong!

anon · 1mo

Happy pride month! Do you have any headcanons for Worth specifically regarding gender/sexuality/pronouns/etc.? And also, just know that he is so in love with you and your nonbinary swag!

anon · 2mo

any linworth ship dynamics ??

CRACKS KNUCKLES, cat (lin)-dog (worth), except worth isn't a dogcoded character in the conventional way, although uni au worth is, talks a lot (worth) x listens (lin), soulmates, love at first sight, right person wrong time for the inside the cube timeline specifically, one-sided enemies to lovers from lin's side for the fantasy au specifically

i'm just gonna reply with some more that i've applied to them over time, because i do feel like they fit quite a bit

anon · 2mo

(From main) I haven’t seen your fo’s source but I hope to soon! I researched him a lil and think he’d like teasing you a lot, but maybe becomes more shy which is what reveals he’s starting to like you if that makes sense, I could be very off base but I’m just. Very interested in your ship’s dynamic!

anon · 2mo

(From main) does your ship sleep in or are they early to rise

after having woken up just before the alarm, i'm genuinely physically unable to fall asleep again, although i do have been lingering for like 15 minutes after having woken up, so i think lin'd be like that too

they're both grown adults with the needed diligence /lh, so it depends on the day, really, but they do wish they could sleep in for a little bit more on the weekdays too ..

although, it's also fun to imagine them getting ready for the day alongside each other ^__^, them adjusting each other's ties 💭💭

anon · 2mo

Would your secret fo peel an orange for you

anon · 2mo

When did u realize u first loved your new f/o?

anon · 2mo

It's May again! Nearly the end of the academic year for me…what if there was a sunsetshipping college AU…what would they major in, and what would change from their canon lives?

anon · 2mo

It is May! I feel like Linworth do things to each other that they'd otherwise find cringeworthy BUT because it's their love they find it cute/charming?!?! Wdyt

ahh, i like this a lot, actually, literally grinned so bad at this, their love is stronger than all the embarassment they could feel about such actions, yes, yes ..

although i do ask myself, what actions did you have in mind specifically :0 ..!!

anon · 2mo
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