Peachi Β· 28d

πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘ I wanna know Mr. M's kinks

omg well he's a huge sadist... in his most open kink environments he's almost 100% dominant, big ol brat tamer (he doesn't like subs that don't give him shit) and into bondage. So basically bdsm LOL

hes into other stuff too but (personal) sex is all about dynamics and power for him since he lacks so much of it in his run-ins with customers (often ricks who want a submissive little morty to bang, and he can be that for some green). but he's also big into humiliation and degradation both towards his partner And himself . (and yes that probably includes piss sorry 🀭)

and masochism + rape + Forced domination are prolly things he gets off to having done to him and feels gross about for personal reasons yknow. hes very confounding . but damn he does not play nice!

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