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Milo · 11 answers · 10mo

Are you the “You’re the knife I turn inside myself” person, or the “I love you enough that I let you go” person?

That's a tough one 😬 Normally, I'd totally be the "you're the knife" person. I mean, if someone's your world, you fight for them, right? You weather any storm together. But then again... there's something to be said for that "I love you enough to let you go" thing. It depends entirely on the situation. If it's something fixable, something we can work through, then yeah, absolutely, I'd be the knife a hundred times over. But if it's a situation where letting go is the healthiest thing for both of us, even if it rips me apart... well, that's a different story.

So yeah, the answer depends entirely on him. If he's the one, the irreplaceable one, then forget "letting go", I'd be there, ride or die. But if deep down I know it's not meant to be, if letting go is the only way for both of us to find true happiness... well, as much as it would hurt, I'd have to do it. Love shouldn't be a constant source of pain, you know? 😢

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