kala · 6 answers · 1y

how's it going on the first week of february?

went SUPER GREAT because i finally got haitham after days of farming primos 🫶🏻 also FEBRUARY IS SO FAST???

It was so so! Nothing special happened other than I feel this month goes slowly or it’s just me (cause I’m still on my holiday phase!)

its been goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood tapi belum siap menjalani hidup layaknya mahasiswa semester 4 ini,, hows yours 😯

it went well but boring… i guess… sama lagi mellow soalnya bentar lagi udah masuk kuliah </3

It was good and quite enjoyable. I finally went out to some places I love. How was it on your side, Dear? ♥️

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