Aletheia Jane

Hymning ode to sweet Aphrodite.

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Blushful Nymph · 4mo
Antareksa Gheovaris · 12 answers · 6mo

Kalo misal bumi kebelah dua (Benua Asia & Eropa Amerika), lu mau pilih tinggal dimana?

Eropa sih, terutama UK. Any other countries in Europe are equally enchanting too, won’t bore who resides there.

kana · 27 answers · 5mo

hola! what song are you currently listening to on repeat?

Nina · 6mo

Mau tau film harry potter favoritenya aletha jg!!

Halfblood Prince mungkin yaa? Beda beda sih top 1-nya tergantung moodnya juga. Intinya aku suka yang Prisoner Of Azkaban, Goblet Of Fire, sama Halfblood Prince.

Nina · 6mo

Selain franchise harry potter aletha suka apa lagi kayak movies or series gitu??

Aku suka Dune sama baca bukunya juga. Terus Little Women, seriesnya Shadow and Bone. :3

Nina · 7mo

Aletha kasi tau your second favorite ship after dramione in harry potter pls!

  1. Cedric & Cho.
  2. Dumbledore & Minerva.
  3. Severus & Umbridge. (Enemies to lover trope too)
  4. Draco & Umbridge.
Blushful Nymph · 7mo

The world doesn’t deserve someone as kind as you are. Be well, Aletha.

I’m sorry I just got to reply. Truthfully saying, my first reaction towards the message, it had knocked me down with a feather yet flattered me at the same time. I feel that the word kind is just too generous for me… since I’m aware of my flaws too deep inside that other might not see. What I can utter is, I wish for your well-being the same way you do.

Saint Lady · 7mo

Morning Teteh cantik, what's your favorite morning ritual?

Honestly, I never consider my morning ritual as something to be favorited since it has always been quite packed especially in the weekdays. Biasanya aku simply bangun, mandi, terus langsung gas kelas, kadang bisa sampe sore kelasnya. Pagiku biasanya kusut sih karna kurang tidur pas malamnya dan otak dipaksa langsung kerja. 🙂 Gak bisa romanticizing morning ritualku, gimana ya. 😭😅

Saint Lady · 7mo

Boleh gak aku dapat desc? 🫶🥺

Boleh dong! Kita udah beberapa kali satu CA tapi kayaknya waktu itu belum terlalu ngeh satu sama lain, baru mulai deket di tifosi ini. Aku pertama liat kamu as Alex cantik banget. Sekarang juga sama cantiknya kok hihi. Kamu gemesin, bener bener radiate little sister energy. Nice to meet you, dd. Minat keeping you around me for a long time. 🥺❤️

Blushful Nymph · 7mo

What is one important thing you have learned from Emma Watson?

Foremost, is her passion for learning and over the things she’s interested with, that flutters like an ember, amidst the highest state of her success in other fields. Also to not settle, do not doubt to pursue the highest star that will enable to outshine the previous version of yourself. Stick to where you place your belief on, make decision for your own that you believe will keep you on right track and it’s fair still, like her common saying— our life is ours to live the way we want.

Eleanor☆ · 7 answers · 7mo

Plus minus temenan dengan elle adalah? Please answer it in a brutal way

As far as the time flies, I’ve got to know you better than I was first expected. You grow a good character development that is worth of praise. Your resilience gains very well despite the hurdles that meddle into. Aku juga nyaman ngobrol dan jadi diri aku sendiri sama kamu karna energy kita bisa match. Minusnya hmm, paling dari aku sih yang mau minta maaf aja karna aku suka gak bisa balas cepat. 💔 Other than that, gak ada. 🩷

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