
her paw will imprint on the flabby soil when she capers around it! 🩷🪽

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Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Aaaaw :(((((((( then can I just slide to your DM and have a talk with you there

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

I’m having trouble sending you retros semoga yang barusan kekirim deh..

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Good day, sweet Michi! Came to visit you again :] Saw that you were blabbering about stuffs you purchased. Cute!! Kalau bisa kubeli cushionnya somethinc satu pabrik buat kamu

hemlo anon!!! 🫣 (jujur aku ngga tau mau panggil apa) HEHEHE kamu abis stalking aku ya? malu dikit. boleh! tapi itu kalau kamu beliin satu pabril aku harus bayar berapa buat gantiin? atau gratis aja? maaf ngelunjak.

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Glad you feel that way! I would genuinely love to, thank you for the warm welcome :(( I am way too shy to show myself. Besides, we are not even mutuals yet. 😕 Once I am brave enough, I will definitely do that :]

that's totally fine! oh iya, thank you for reaching me out first and i truly appreciate your messages because it may take a lot of courage to make first move, no? ^__^ terima kasih banyak, anon! i'll be patiently waiting for you to come whenever you're ready. take your time! xx

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Do you think it’s inappropriate if I say aku sering lihat kamu di timeline and you catch my attention

hi, i just woke up from my nap and noticed this cute message appeared on my notification. i find this type of message endearing and i don't ever think this is inappropriate, don't worry! i'm not quite sure how to respond but i'll take this as a compliment, thank you anon! 🩷 by the way, feel free to reach out through my direct messages if you'd like to chat or engage in light conversation with me. okay? :] have a good day!

avery nicole · 1y

aku kangen kamu deh boleh gak 🥺

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