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thepaws · 4mo

Gua naksir lu purnama. kalo gua coba buat deketin lu boleh nggak?

thepaws · 4mo

Hallo, Nama. Saya akhir-akhir ini jarang sekali lihat Nama di timeline, agak kangen sedikit, apakah boleh?

hallo! hehe iya, akhir-akhir ini lagi banyak kegiatan terus ga ada tenaga buat banyak interaksi di tl, jadi lebih milih buat scroll-scroll aja. :D waduh.. gimana ya jawabnya hehe.

thepaws · 4mo

kalo gua naksir lu ada yang marah nggak?

thepaws · 4mo

What was your favourite song from a few weeks ago?

pokoknya sebulan ini lagi suka banget sama lagunya Juicy Luicy, sehari ga dengerin kaya hampa wkwk.

arsi · 11 answers · 5mo

kamu lebih suka mie goreng, mie kuah atau mie kirin dia cihuy

thepaws · 5mo

Thank you for your answer, Nama. But, can I trying to stole your attention? I thought that you and your someone special not officially yet.

Miruu. · 11 answers · 6mo

Hai hai, gimana 2024 nya sejauh ini?

Richter · 5 answers · 6mo

What’s your coping mechanism when you’re feeling blue?

thepaws · 5mo

Nama, you're quite attractive and I love your vibes. Anyway, can I have crush on you?

hello! I don't think so but thank you for enjoying my vibes. 🥺 I don't know how to answer your question, since I already have someone special.. 😅

thepaws · 7mo

Helo, hope you have a great day everyday

heyyoo! maybe I'm too late but thank you so much and I hope you have an amazing day every day and your days will be filled with love and laugh! <3

cyaa. · 6 answers · 7mo

haaaai, selamat menikmati weekend!

hallo, Cyaa! ini belum weekend sih tapi selamat hari Kamis! semoga harinya berjalan lancar yaa <3

Daiciiii · 7mo

Hello mate! mind to follow me back? thank you <33

Miruu. · 7mo

Hai, Nama. Gimana harinya nih? sekalian boleh minta followbacknya? thank youu! <3

hallo, Miyuu! hariku sangat menyenangkan tapi agak gabut wkwk. udah aku follback yaa!! <3

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