the f00fy one · 24 answers · 1mo

Those of you who use Linux: What was your first Linux distribution, and what was your experience like?

Those of you who don't use Linux: What is your impression of Linux, based on the information you currently have? Would you ever consider using Linux as the operating system on your main PC?

Those who don't know what I'm talking about: What is the primary device you use to access the Internet?

I'm a normie, my first distro was ubuntu. 16.04 lts! I still miss unity DE. I use debian now, and have for 2 years. It's comfy. Anyway, my experience with ubuntu 16.04 was very brief because I borked it a couple days after installing it lol. But I /really/ enjoyed using it in the short time I did! It was snappy and responsive compared to windows 10 on my, at the time, very shitty hardware. I liked that unity could be themed way more than windows' dwm could be. It was way better on my battery too! Overall it ran very well in the maybe a week that I used it for.

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