Cecil · 12mo

Testimoni suka dukanya jadi admin dong? 😂 Jadi penasaran.

Ini menurut pengalaman gue, ya!

Pros: Pretty fun. I have always something new to learn, and I can feel the enjoyment of every new experiences. Every sleepless nights were worth the pain because I get to meet a lot of new people with different type of personality. The very first agency that I handled was beyond imagination.

Cons: Drained. Both physically or mentally. Nguras banyak waktu dan tenaga buat mikirin konsep, editan, dan cara eksekusinya segala macem. Gak jarang juga dapet “saran” atau “kritik” yang seharusnya membangun, malah sebaliknya. But a certain amount of pain and suffer is good, because it makes a person think they’ve learned.

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