Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 40 answers · 5d

QOTD — Do you like the fandom(s) of the media(s) you enjoy? Why or why not?
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the marauders fandom - YES !! for the most part everyone in it is cool ^_^ as with all fandoms though, there are the odd toxic fans n freaks n such

the mha fandom - NO ! i remember the Poster Tampon Tiktok and i am STILL not over it !!

the genshin fandom (they got me) - i actually have not interacted too much with the fandom as when it was really huge during the pandemic and stuff, i didnt play it LMAOOO id say im pretty neutral on the fandom from what i have seen, theres been a few odd fans ive seen and also a couple normal ones ! (someone should talk to me about genshin btw. im already obsessed w it)

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