Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 40 answers · 3d

QOTD — Do you like the fandom(s) of the media(s) you enjoy? Why or why not?
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I enjoy a few and im usually behind because i will be confused when people are talkn bout em, but then intrigued i ask what they are discussing and go check it for myself!

um ,, sometimes ? I think hsr fandom can be funny sometimes but like . my main fandoms are hsr, pjsk, enstars, nd genshin so um!,,, I hate most of them 😭😭😭

Uhm!! For the most part, yes! I love the bsd fandom with all my heart, we make such unique headcanons and I personally have had a lot of fun analyzing my favorite characters and such. An old friend and I once were talking about headcanons on what the port mafia would be doing during a beach day <3

Apathetic, leaning towards dislike. Outside of my friends of course. A lot of people in fandoms tend to be... irritating to say the least.

i find that the hoyoverse fandom tends to get very fussy sometimes so i don't really like it much TT though the rest of the fandoms i'm in are very nice and enjoyable to be in !!

the marauders fandom - YES !! for the most part everyone in it is cool ^_^ as with all fandoms though, there are the odd toxic fans n freaks n such

the mha fandom - NO ! i remember the Poster Tampon Tiktok and i am STILL not over it !!

the genshin fandom (they got me) - i actually have not interacted too much with the fandom as when it was really huge during the pandemic and stuff, i didnt play it LMAOOO id say im pretty neutral on the fandom from what i have seen, theres been a few odd fans ive seen and also a couple normal ones ! (someone should talk to me about genshin btw. im already obsessed w it)

Many in the HSR fandom lack media literacy or cherry-pick information to suit their agenda for a character / ship. Aventurine being reduced to a twink for aventio. Sunday either as wholly good or irredeemably evil. Dr. Ratio's called a villain for being mean. Distasteful.

sometimes !! idk jjba fans can be cool but also kinda unbearable... same w one piece fans but i don't rlly int w the fandom.. n i haven't interacted much w the osc but i plan to !! hopefully it's okay there ^-^

the kil, vocaloid, and a lot of the anime fandoms im in suck… tiktok nso fans suck… but skyrim is mostly nice… i like skurim

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