♫ " regulus 𓈒 · 16 answers · 16d

qotd ! the sun/moon dynamic has been popping up everywhere for me so between you and a friend / partner, who's the sun and who's the moon? if you'd rather not answer that or you can't decide, do you have a ship that fits the dynamic? ^_<

i am the sun AND the moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but mostly the sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hai!! between me and my gf Im the moon and shes the sun. & for ship nursegirl is the moon & infectiongirl is the sun!

I'm typically the moon, and I view many of my friends (as well as my partner) as the sun. Maybe a star in a group though.

I used to always be the moon but I think it just depends on the other person now 🤔 but a lot of my favorite ships fit into this trope shout out to Kaerena and Eulamber

I'm the sun almos all the time regardless of who I'm with.. Friend, partner, doesn't matter I'm the sun.. Usually. I think. IN SOME CASES I am neither, probably star!!! yk, the sun + star + moon dynamic
I've never ended up being the moon.

regulus my favorite person ever the real is the sun because hes nice to people. im the moon because im a fucking asshole

she's definitely the sun and i'm the moon... i don't exactly know how else to explain it. she shines brighter than nobody else, and no matter what she always lights up my world, even if i feel that i'm in complete darkness.

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