š’anguine.ā € ā €ā™”ĢÆ Ā· 8 answers Ā· 3d

ā €ā €Answer this at your own leisureļ¼Œ but what do you all associate with meļ¼Ÿ

Dostoevsky's books. The name Raskolnikov/Rodion/Rodya/Rodka. Being the only RS user I remember ( alongside Sleet / @/STREAMER ).

skyrim because of your username, but in the "beautiful fantasy game with dull tones" way rather than the "broken meme rpg" way

P-chan definitelyļ¼Œand pink black skirts怜怜 (ā €ą½“į©§š“µ ׂ.ļ¼¾ź‘˜)ą»’ź’±ą½¼

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