
previously @obituary
or Epharim/Towa

Semi-IA for Health Reasons

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My Flaws Are Open-Season。


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𝐒anguine.⠀ ⠀♡̯ · 7 answers · 1d

⠀⠀Answer this at your own leisure, but what do you all associate with me?

Dostoevsky's books. The name Raskolnikov/Rodion/Rodya/Rodka. Being the only RS user I remember ( alongside Sleet / @/STREAMER ).

𝐒anguine.⠀ ⠀♡̯ · 5 answers · 2d

Good morning … I haven’t been active here lately, but I plan to change that! I’ll probably change my theme here as well … also I hate whoever said kinning was weird … I am having so much fun with this synpath stuff … also I love elipses … :3

ellipses... most underrated punctuation. Doestoevsky's favourite. WAIT, RODYA DID I TELL YOU I AM READING CRIME AND PUNISHMENT? I MIGHT HAVE FORGOTTEN.

𝐒anguine.⠀ ⠀♡̯ · 11 answers · 6d

Anon’s saying theres a callout being written on me? Idk for what bc I’ve never done anything to constitute a callout?? They won’t tell me either.

Retrospring Anon Behaviour.
Besides that, I'd guess you either,
A). got mixed up with someone else
B). someone just wants to stir up drama
C). its bait or something along that line
Regardless, I'm sure you'd be safe. Most people know you're not some weird degenerate.

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