Ψ · 23 answers · 1mo

What's your favorite song?

OK this one may come out of left field given what I usually listen to, but "Franz Schubert" by Kraftwerk. Their whole Trans-Europe Express album is a favorite anyway, but that song... I dunno, it just calms me down and puts me into a happy mood. I love listening to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twlZ9t4Gg1E

In the mirror - Justan Oval
Mind Electric - Miracle Musical
Violet Breakthrough - Whoever made it
Low-G Botany - Someone from Celeste : Strawberry Jam

They change almost daily but currently I've really been loving Stockholm Syndrome by Nostalghia, Monk by jan and naomi &&. DEAR FUTURE '18 by Coaltar Of The Deepers.

There’s a Lot but ummm. sea of dreams by kikuo and wake up by ateez are 2 absolute bangers that live in my mind rent free..

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