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anon · 9h

i didn’t know it was possible for the “BTS cow hybrid copypasta” to be made into something hot but you’ve done it and it’s awesome

oh my god I did not know it was that, that so fucking funny thank you. I saw it and took it as a challenge ngl.

anon · 26d

as a patreon request, would you ever consider gale/astarion piss kink?
there's a good ff https://archiveofourown.org/works/50816002

I am Considering 👁 fr tho I love how many piss fics there are with gale, he fits... simultaneously has the biggest ego and is also the most pathetic. Tbh tho I ain't into the humiliation or desperation side- I'm more on the messy=hot side in the same way I am with cum, but I will add it to my list 🫡.

anon · 3mo

WAIT disregard my last ask—you’re the artist that got gale/astarion boot worship into my head in the first place!!! any chance you’ll draw some more of that?? it’s been stuck in my brain since you posted that piece

anon · 17d

Such a big fan of your work!! Not to get sappy about the porn but it's done a lot for me + my body issues to see bodies outside of what's considered conventionally attractive having really hot sex lol. Society would have you believe hot sex is only for thin cis people! But that is not so!!!

anon · 2mo

WOOO LESBIANS 🎉🎉🎉🎉 honestly I didn’t mind the halsin gay art but I doooo looooove Billie n bertha

anon · 1mo

Hello! I hope you don't mind me asking what program you use for drawing. Procreate, Clip studio? Also, do you have a list of brushes you use? I love your style of being a mix of line art and lineless, if that makes sense lol. Thank you!

anon · 2mo

I wanted to ask if you forgot top surgery scars in the squirting series, or is it intentional/Astarion is not supposed to be read as trans there? ;;

he's got keyhole- there's one zoomed in panel with a faint white line around his nipples, but I don't bother with the zoomed out shots. Tbh a lot of the time you can't see anything on keyhole anyway. (though I am very lazy in general and draw areolas without nipples 90% of the time LOL)

anon · 3mo

Where do you get your references? I've really been wanting to get into drawing again; your nsfw has inspired me in a way. and I love how your drawings have this flow to them if that makes sense. but I'm unsure where exactly to go looking for such poses without venturing off into somewhere I might get a bit scared of?

Thank you!!

anon · 3mo

srry if this is answered before but how do u feel about ppl drawing ocs like solas harbor or hearth?

anon · 4mo

is there a reason hearth is so desperate for solace in particular? im assuming he's sleeping around the caravan coz of some of your polls, but solace seems to bring out the simp lol

It’s partly admiration, he thinks Solace is so clever, and he likes how he always helps people out- even if he’s kind of a dick. Mostly though it’s because every time they’re alone they end up fucking. Hearth doesn’t really sleep around, he’s very into the challenge of Solace. Harbor however sleeps with a lot of people- including both of them, though he’s extremely casual abt sex.

anon · 4mo

I’m absolutely in love with all your Bull/Luke art. I saw some on tumblr and followed you on cohost and then couldn’t take it anymore and had to subscribe to your Patreon! Would you ever consider doing more oviposition art in the future? I know you have that one piece with Lull, but I’d love to see more if you ever are in the mood to draw some!

oh absolutely- I think the main thing stopping me is that I'm not good at monster design, but I'll either Get Good or just draw the...results... anyway thank you for the support >:)!!!

anon · 4mo

I looooove how big hearth is (in every aspect lol) I can see why you like halsin so much

anon · 4mo

How to draw like you? (I consider you a goal to reach as an artist)

Thank you! That's a big question... uh. Draw lots. There’s so much advice out there and I can’t really tell you how your journey should look!

anon · 4mo

This is very cute and like- Solace would Never (and also physically cannot)- but if he DID he would absolutely be paraded around by Hearth every time he did something remotely good.

anon · 4mo

I have absolute Hearth/Solace brainrot, would you ever consider doing a longer format comic with them?

Probably not! It's not really financially viable- and I also have very little story for them, I make it up when it's needed hahahaha. Thank you though!

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