Irie · 7 answers · 1mo

What advice would you give to someone struggling to recognize their own self-worth?

Hi. I know it's a struggle to fight those internal voices that cast doubt on your worth. But please remember, those voices are not the truth. They are like fog, covering your vision and preventing you from seeing your true self. You might think they define you, but truthfully, they don't. They never have, and they never will.

Imagine seeing yourself through the eyes of those who unconditionally love you. To them, you are their support system, their source of joy, their light in the dark. Your kindness and unique value are the qualities that make you shine brightly. Don't ever let negativity cloud your vision. The real you, the you that is beautiful, kind, and precious, is waiting to be embraced.

Give yourself the chance to accept your own beauty. You are valuable, important, and irreplaceable.

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