Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Iyis. · 1 answer · 2y

how can you heal yourself from the things you can't even tell??

It’s (not so) secret but right now I’m facing my denial phase, although one of my friends ever told me that I always am denial at anything but what I realize now is that I’m on mu denial phase now. There is some things I fight in myself that I can’t tell and haven’t healed me. But, what I can do is act like nothing happened… as usual…!? I talk to my friends and make as much as possible interaction with my mutual so that I can atleast forget my shortcomings and stop at blaming myself on something that shouldn’t be. I do realised I can’t be like this, but, the harder I tried, the harder it got off me so I just let it be and act like usual and nothing ever happened.

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