Tsubasa.. ♪ · 12 answers · 12d

ask all.. what is the single most meaningful thing someone could do for you? it could be gifts, something you need to hear from them.. anything!!

Idk, I guess just appreciate me / the things I say and want to talk to me regularly. Also what Caspian said (understanding me). Or if they're cute, maybe the most meaningful thing they could do for me is accept me sexually. =>

⠀*⠀ It sounds silly but anything really.⠀ I'd be happy with Reassurance, Understanding(⠀? ) or hell even just Staying with Me⸺﹠ Also Listening to My godawful OC Infodumps. ﹠ While I am like, A horrible sucker for gifts ⠀...⠀ I'd be happy with anything.⠀ I'd be happy with the mere idea of someone giving me the space to pour My thoughts into, That's how ill I am /Silly.

If I had to pick, staying by my side through it all. Through my highs and lows, they don’t even think about giving up on me. It’s sweet, and it helps me want to be better.

Good question… I’m not sure ! I guess just hanging out with me and talking with me is pretty meaningful…

get into a media i like so they can yap about it with me
nobody has done this but the day it happens i'll be the happiest angel alive

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