Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

pachi · 3mo

on the topic of roland in the fanghunt office uniform. bloodfiend angela/bloodfiend hunter roland could be sauced… i really need that fixer in situations and i think it’s an appropriately Charged dynamic for them

me and some friends (cant claim credit for all thoughts here) were talking about this actually and it could be sooo sauced... its definitely an appropriately charged dynamic for them and i honestly think it could also be an appropriately charged like. au for them, tbh. something about angela being an extremely old, but powerful bloodfiend who is just so tired and relies on the bloodbags and offerings of other, later generation bloodfiends that sort of just have stuck around her. angela being known in the city, but how no one really bothers with her because of how she doesnt bother anyone else, with only the bloodfiend hunters being the ones who do so. really really sauced dynamic here where angelica got turned into a bloodfiend at some point and the reason why roland is hunting her is because of being sent in by iori and ... well... going from there. smiles. really need a bloodfiend angela and fanghunt roland to just have gentle sex. but also there could totally be a situation where roland follows through on the Hunting Her Down aspect and all that entails

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