š‘’š“š“š‘’ ! Ā· 20 answers Ā· 8d

hai semuanya, how's life? aku sekarang ulang tahun yaaaay <33

happiest bday to you, elle!! wish you more happiness, more love and more good things for those upcoming beautiful days of yoursšŸŒŗšŸ¤šŸ’šŸ­

Happy belated birthday, Elle! Maaf telat yaa. May all your wishes come true and always be blessed. <3

Happy Belated Birthday, Elle! Semoga kamu selalu sehat dan dikelilingi oleh orang baik, yaaa!

hii there pweetyy elle!!! so far so good, happy birthday yaww!! all the best wishes for you, sehat dan bahagia selalu cantik šŸŽ‰šŸ’™

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