Ritsu · 10 answers · 6mo

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𝟸﹕What's a character you love dearly and why?

me when my fav is a walking spoiler ( the great ace attorney chronicles spoilers in my reply to this )

Romantically, my favorite is Yosano Akiko from Bungo Stray Dogs. I am in love with her. She is my wife.

Other non-romantic favorites are any character I associate with my sibling. Notably: Shizuka Yoshimoto.

Not a character, just my eternal lover. Ryuuto Suzuki. ♡︎

He’s a pure heart, simply seeking company in such a lonely world. He’s so passionate, kind, loving, and caring beyond human metric. He saved moi from my personal abyss, I always want to be there for him when he’s suffering. I love him more than words will ever be able to express!

OO shiet i have so many ill go with one i dont talk about often
yosuke......persona 4..... he was always my favorite so in that sense he gives a nostalgic feel to me.. i also love his character in general (design + story) i am such a killer for big city boy trope

Kate Sheffield/Sharma from Bridgerton. This is an excuse to love on our Kate fictive I see people dislike her for what?? What reason??? She’s fantastic !! She’s so sweet and loyal to her family and always wants the best for them AND HER CORGI NEWTON IS ADORABLE. So what she speaks her mind or shows her ankles or rides a horse just say you hate women and move on actually. I love Kate Sheffield. -📞

the trio in link click and ultraman zero since theyre my favourites from my special interests ^_^

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