Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Seth. · 10 answers · 10mo

while I can hardly find one, would you tell me about a meaningful thing, a reason for you to keep holding on until today?

Lately, I've noticed many wonderful things around me that I've never seen before. I hope to be one of those wonderful things too! Terus banyak juga mimpi aku yang belum terwujud, salah satunya pengen jadi relawan kesehatan buat bagian dunia yang kena dampak khusus seperti perang, masalah kesehatan, dll. Masih banyak alasan aku hidup dan jadi berguna buat orang-orang di dunia ini. So, kamu juga harus tetap hidup biar bisa merasakan hal-hal indah di sekitar kamu!

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