Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 40 answers · 5d

QOTD — Do you like the fandom(s) of the media(s) you enjoy? Why or why not?
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⠀ ⸺⠀ No, I think? Majority of Them are weird but It's really just a 50╱50 😭 (⠀that sounds stupid coming from someone who thinks about Lan's waist on the daily —Comet⠀) (⠀Oh well, I do the same anyways —Comet⠀).
⠀ I really just watch analysis videos ﹠ stuff related to The Aeons because Those are what I'm most passionate about⸺I avoid the usual content creators because They speak stupid stuff My mind wouldn't even bring Itself to digest, Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows all the Names | Paths of the 18 Aeons We know of ﹠ That unironically makes Me cringe.⠀ Like What do you mean you do not know who Tayzzyronth, The Aeon of Propagation is?? Sorry I'm rambling.
⠀ I think I just like smaller spaces better because If I spat out something like Lan × Nanook in the main fandom I could be hit with a metal pipe.

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