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tanit · 3mo

hello! I am the anon here to spread love! I love how you are a ray of positivity in whatever fandom or ship you choose to dabble in! Keep it up :D

NO YOU!!! you are also a ray of sunshine i love all the amazing things you create and you're always so fun to talk to!!
have a great day tanit!! 💖

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

You are such a wonderful bit of positivity in fandom! So glad I found your twitter because you brighten up my timeline!

anon 🥹💖 thank you! and i'm glad you think so!!
i hope you have a wonderful day 🥰

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

hey hey did anyone tell you today that your art and your fics are like little rays of sunshine? warm, full of love and so very perfect to brighten my day!!

omg anon 🥹💖 thank youuu 🥹 i'm very happy to hear you feel that way 💖

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

hi hi~
just a silly question: who do you think likes to cuddle more, zhongli or childe?

No silly questions!!! I think Zhongli is the bigger cuddler....he is a dragon and cold-blooded...and childe is very warm 🥹
I think Childe likes being cuddled but he might hesitate to initiate at first until he realizes Zhongli really enjoys it (then they are just cuddling all the time 24/7...inseparable)

tani · 6mo


Ok so here's a scene for you. Childe has this habit of talking in his sleep and most of the time it's "no don't come closer" or "stop" thanks to his nightmares about the abyss. But now that he sleeps with zhongli, it's turned into pleasant dreams. So he mumbles zhongli's name or once in a while 👀 "I love you". Zhongli literally jumps up from his bed when he first heard it hehe

OMGGG TANIII THAT'S SO CUTE!!!! afsdfsf i think zhongli's heart would break the first time he hears all the things childe says in his sleep from his nightmares. zhongli is glad that his presence next to childe at night helps chase away those nightmares 🥹

Bun · 6mo


HI BUN!!! i hope you are well!
i think childe needs a hug and lots of headpats today 🥰

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