
i do things with computers i guess

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Daniel · 14 answers · 8mo

Are you afraid of flying by airplane?

i never was afraid of airplanes, and after i've learned that they are statistically involved in accidents a lot less than cars, i've become afraid even less (my fear became negative)

Daniel · 10 answers · 8mo

Do you have what it takes to count to 3000 or would you get too bored?

i think i'm patient enough to do that.

...i will not do that now though, because...

...i don't want to spent time on that right now... i disqualified? ^^'

Daniel · 8 answers · 8mo

How did you meet your last/current partner?

never had one, sadly

on the other hand, i've met my current crush simply in Internet on Discord. i mean, i love my 'puter, all my friends live inside it, so why not. ^^'

Daniel · 9 answers · 8mo

Do you think Hitler ever thought of himself as an evil person?

i don't think so. he probably thought about himself as a savior of germany or something.

Daniel · 11 answers · 8mo

What have you become?

a pretty chill person, i guess. a little bit too unproductive for my liking, but besides that, i guess i'm happy about where i've come.

Daniel · 7 answers · 8mo

What's a social norm that you find weird?

i don't think that counts as a social norm, but whatever, please, don't ask "why?" if i don't want to do or try something (that is not related to my responsibilities, but rather for entertaining). i think not wanting to do something is a pretty reasonable human right, and i shouldn't prove or explain anything in those cases.

Daniel · 10 answers · 8mo

Do you think children with learning disabilities should go to seperate schools that adjust to the childrens learning pace?

i don't think complete separation is necessary. current education systems (system*s*, as in all countries) are not usually fit for properly helping students that are going behind the standard program - not necessarily someone with disabilities, but just de-facto.

we should work on making schools more merciful in those cases, as well as getting actually competent psychologists in there. that should be enough for resolving this issue, at least from my (unprofessional) point of view.

Daniel · 11 answers · 8mo

Can you imagine migrating to the US?

undefined · 9mo

фоксфоксфоксфоксфоксфоксфоксфокс или каткаткаткаткаткаткаткаткат?

undefined · 12mo

Как ты такой молодец и умный в 17?

Azriel Notdreemurr · 12mo

ты хлебушек?

по моему, булки - разновидность хлеба, а т.к. я Магистр Булка, я определённо хлебушек.

tillian · 8 answers · 1y

do you think you'd lose if you played chess against me lol

i would give it like 75% chance. i've practiced chess last time pretty long time ago.
if this is time same for you though, then i don't know :P

Devlight · 1y

Каково это админить и при этом успевать учиться?

я на домашнем обучении и самоучка (учусь сам и только сдаю экзамены), так что расписание у меня очень гибкое

да и для админства мне много времени не нужно, только иметь возможность быстро подрубиться, если всё гореть начнёт, эахаха

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