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seungies · 3mo

So!! What do you think of Seungmin's dancing from the fanmeet?

seungies · 5mo

Hiii! What are your favourite (let’s say top 3) seungfacts that are not as much known around stay?

seungies · 5mo

I'm confused. Do you ship them romantically or not?

seungies · 5mo

I want to know you as much as you know Seungmin.

OP WOT IN SEUNGTORNATION IS THIS??😳?? Crazy rizz im crying UHM?? Im composed of 99% oxygen carbon⚱️ hydrogen 💨 nitrogen 🌬️calcium💀 and phosphorus 🧨. theres literally not much to me i fear besides the seungminisms🐶 in the spaces between my atom's electrons and the nuclei they orbit 😔

seungies · 5mo

Thanks for sharing your seungfacts, but to be honest it's almost creepy how much you know. You weren't even a stay that long, no offense.

👁️👄👁️ im not sure how to respond to this sweetie. But i guess me having the 'tisms helps quite a lot with retaining information about my hyperfixations ykwim?

seungies · 6mo

not dance op, but i really enjoyed your long answer! it confirmed a lot of what i saw but cant say. maybe im blind, but you said something about an angry face. but he did that a lot since the start? whtas the difference between then and now? i cant catch it... sry for the question

seungies · 6mo

What d'you think about Seungmin's dancing? I usually give him a pass on not going all out for the sake of vocals but I've realised he's a lot better than I gave him credit for!

seungies · 6mo

Sorry to ve nosy but why does your job sound like hell?what do you do? Can you tell me so i can avoid it loljk

LMAO erm hard to explain, but if you know the kdrama Sky Castle ud Know (its not as evil tho! Just v hectic)

seungies · 7mo

Hi! Do you know who picked an English name Sky for Seungmin? I saw someone saying Chan suggested the name?

seungies · 7mo

Um hello I’m a bit late but ty for your super thoughtful response abt the duos!! It was certainly more than okay, you had such lovely things to say about every duo, what seungminner would complain? I had to stop every few lines to just sit and process how accurately and sentimentally you described every dynamic. Ty again I think these descriptions will stick with me for a long time

I cried btw. I was just thinking about them seungduos again and wondered how you thought and got surprised by its effect on you 😭 Im so grateful for your kind words. Thank you and i hope youre hydrated kind seunganon 🥹

seungies · 7mo

did seungmin ever mention he's currently studying in uni (like hyunjin/lino/changbin)?

Sort of! 190405 during a MIROH fansign event, a kstay (@/2OO00922) asked him about college and he said he has entered university in a culture-related department, but he was cautious about revealing it and wants to first talk to the company if he should disclose it. No info since!

As for hyunjin, a blog from the
Global cyber university itself (190816) mentioned him being a current student majoring in practical English.

As for changbin, han, leeknow, their names were just found by stays on the gukjae intl cyber university's website majoring in entertainment

None of them really mentioned their own specifics 🤣

seungies · 7mo

I'm curious which Seungmin duo is your favourite and why :o

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