
i: @camaro_b_tkg on twitter.

Fukuoka, Japan.
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R · 13 answers · 1y

If you can choose a college major without considering financial situation and other things, what would be your major?

i want to be an archeolog ever since i was a kid. but my parents doesn’t seems content with it. i would still go for archeology major if i had a chance.

MJs · 27 answers · 1y

How do you deal with anxiety?

i’m also still working on this issue, but i tried to. and i read from several sources that basically if you often times thought about uncertain things, your brain would thought that you like it and so the same action would repeat, thus cause your anxiety only acted up more since your brain told you so. you need your body to move as if it’s okay, nothing’s gonna happen and so your brain will align with that.

MJs · 32 answers · 1y

What song always makes you cry?

i haven’t move on from my hatsukoi-ngitis era, so, it’s first love by utada hikaru.

Jace. · 23 answers · 1y

Have you ever gotten back with an ex and regretted it?

yes. but i think it depends on how both of you wants to make it work. digging the root of the problem and tried to get rid all of it together. and need to make sure that both of you were on the same boat.

Naradith · 31 answers · 1y

if you are (or were) into kpop, masih inget nggak dulu bias pertama kamu siapa?

shinee’s taemin in my first bias. i remember i stan them during ring ding dong era.

Naradith · 21 answers · 1y

let's say you finally got the chance to talk to the person you have a crush on. what would you start the conversation with?

R · 15 answers · 1y

If you become a warrior, which weapon will you choose; sword or spear?

sword is kinda heavy and just thinking that i have to lift it up is such a hassle for me, so, i’ll go with spear.

R · 15 answers · 1y

Tell me the reason why you choose your current username for Retrospring.

i think that’s because i’m just not creative enough when it comes to bio, username, etc ... and it’s easier for me to track as i often forget.

⋆☽︎︎·̩͙ Soft gurl ✿ · 8 answers · 1y

risih ga kalo pertanyaan kalian dibales sama stranger / non mutuals ??

R · 11 answers · 1y

Recommend me your favorite go-to food for snack or lunch, please.

this is very specific, cream cheese or apple pie that you can bought in indomaret point.

Hyoma, roths. 🤍 · 13 answers · 1y

folks, what is your top 3 songs?

Daniella. · 15 answers · 1y

what are three words that the best describe yourself?

Naradith · 31 answers · 1y

kamu bisa main latto-latto nggak?

i can say proudly that i could play latto-latto, dulu. kalau sekarang, ya, bisa sih kalau latihan lagi.

Lorel! · 8 answers · 1y

Does anyone have song recommendations? I’m up with any type of song!

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