Levi Severn · 16 answers · 1y

Tell me the reason why you choose your current username for Retrospring.

idk.. but i just like it heartstuff it's more like anything about my feels & other people feelings. it could be a good feelings, bad feelings, curious feelings or else.

how about you, levi?

It’s related to my favourite character in Genshin, Raiden Ei. She was a kagemusha or shadow warrior.

No specific reason. When it comes to usernames, I just played a random word generator in my head and stuck with it.

i think that’s because i’m just not creative enough when it comes to bio, username, etc ... and it’s easier for me to track as i often forget.

Karena mottoku "Loving Chuuya Nakahara wholeheartedly" jdi semuanya hrs related sama dia lmao

it's the same username like my account on twitter, i love this username so much

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