Parker⠀★⠀Cal · 9 answers · 2mo

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⠀𓎟𓎟⠀⠀⠀❛ Do you follow any sports? ❜

I followed darts for a very long time, on and off. Formerly followed chess. I dabble in F1, but I don’t understand it.

No "real" sports, I find them boring. I'm interested in some tabletop games, e-sports, and video game speedrunning, though.

UUHHMMMK I follow soccer (especially the matildas) Soemtimes... But i think thsts about it

I don’t personally (my moms big on hockey on the other hand) but I think chainsaw man should be a sport because of how fujimoto keeps leaving all these little details in his shit and I have to scramble to piece it together like I’m running a marathon tbh 🔥

I'm a pretty big fan of hockey ^_^ I mostly follow the WHL & NHL. I cheer for the Edmonton Oilers for the most part alongside my household, but also root for the Vegas Knights. I'm hoping the Oilers win the Stanley cup, though.

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