Parker⠀★⠀Cal · 19 answers · 2mo

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⠀𓎟𓎟⠀⠀⠀❛ What's your most prized piece of merchandise? ❜

the sanders sides signed poster(its the one ab remus) that i have :3 im not even INTO tss anymore and its still absolutely awesome

There's nothing I'd be absolutely devastated if I lost, but I'd be a little sad if I lost my USS Enterprise dedication plaque, or my USS Discovery model, because the company who makes them went out of business so they wouldn't be easy to replace. Plus they're really good replicas, almost identical to the on screen versions.

i dont know... i like all of my stuff... but im getting back into animal crossing again so uhmmm my marshal keychain currently he's so cute and he goes around with me everywhere...

Probably my BOTW soundtrack cds, there's so many details within the discs themselves as well as the casing. I'm very excited for the TOTK ones to release.

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