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Regular4256 · 8mo

Do you have any other ships?

From the mother series? I like Tony x Jeff and Ninten x Lloyd a good bit.

From other franchises, I'm quite fond of Taichi x Koushiro from digimon. Ken x Daisuke is fun too, though I'm slightly less invested. Bojji x Kage is kind of a weird one that I got into thanks to an artist that used to draw them a lot. Yuzuhiko x Fujino from atashin'chi is a rare pair I wish got more attention. Things like maxvid when I'm feeling freaky. TBH if two characters make a cute gay couple I will ship them to some extent.

Naturally I ship all the faggot stuff too. Creek, Luberto, Pico x Boyfriend... Y'know, all the cringe stuff the gays are into.

I also ship a few of my friend's OCs, but those are probably less relevant.

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