vyivel · 12 answers · 1y

Favorite salad?

There's this salad bar thingy at the convenience store next to the office that has a 40% discount on Fridays, so you can fill the large bucket for like 8€ and get a pretty nice meal. I usually do put a little bit of lettuce or something in there to make it look like a salad. Depending on what's available I might have in my salad some falafels, grated carrots, diced cucumber, diced cheese, slices of roasted chicken, farfalle with dried tomato and black olives, soy beans, fusilli with cream and jalapenos, fusilli with pesto, black beans, corn, mango, boiled eggs, onions, potatoes with vinaigrette, quinoa, beetroots, bulgur, chicken tagine with apricots, tabbouleh, dried tomatoes with various spices.

When it's not Friday and I'm at the office I might be buying some prepared salads at the store for lunch. I usually grab the bulgur/lentils/vegetables one, or the chickpeas/olives/zucchini/feta cheese one, or some tabbouleh.

And if anything that contains some salad also counts, then I recently ate a sandwich with lettuce, raclette cheese and bacon, and it was awesome. The fact that we cooked the bacon and melted the cheese using candle thingies while on a hill probably made that thing even better.

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