Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 16 answers · 18d

QOTD — What's the weirdest interaction you've had on this site? If you haven't had one personally, what have you seen on this site that was weird?
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i'm never had a weird interaction personally, but i've seen plenty of others weird interactions. can't pinpoint a single one really since i FORGOT!!!!!!!

uhmm. most interactions ive had on this site have been pretty normal ^_^ but IRL there was this one time where someone i had NEVER talked to in my life came up to me and started talking about how he takes cold showers to boost his testosterone like . random but ok 😭

i didn't have any weird interactions but i saw anonymous ppl getting too comfortable with some well known creators here. being absolutely garbage...

The total of 10 times I was accused of block evading people I haven't clicked on the profile of since the 1900s

UMM i haven't had any weird interactions myself, i don't think ?? but the drama, public tl, and the many gross threats people on here seem to enjoy sending to minors as if it's justified by the minor being a bad person are like the top 3 weirdest things ive encountered on this site

never had a weird interaction thankfully BUT really the only weirdest thing i've seen was anons being creepy and weird in mutuals inboxes ...

technically ended up being offsite but it started onsite so I’m counting it.. there’s other weird stuff but I want to keep my answer lighthearted. learning I had considering me to be their “opp” was funny.. all because of a post I made that wasn’t ever about them (I had no clue who they were) and they just assumed they were that important to me when again they’re just a stranger.. it’s definitely weird behavior but I also find it pretty funny that I live so rent free in a stranger’s head for not liking a video game character

Anon on my old account didn't know the difference between mspec and mspec mono so I made fun of them and said " why do you hate the bisexuals " because lowkey it was funny as shit I'm not even gonna lie

honestly nothjng weird has happed with us! i mean, ive seen the aftermath of the lynette stuff but thats really it 🧍‍♂️

Probably every unironic “Denji would hate you” anon after the first one I’ve gotten LOL

⠀*⠀ The time Someone on Anonymous said “ you're so annoying and your typing quirk is ugly ” ⠀…⠀ I don't think much of It, Not Really worth My time⸺But It does makes Me wonder who said It.

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