Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 17 answers · 21d

QOTD — When you go to the store, what's your typical go-to snack? Mine is Mistic kiwi strawberry juice & Hot Cheetos with lime ( ᵔ⤙ᵔ )
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i don't always get food but i do almost always get a monster ^_^ if i do get food it's either some chocolate candy, doritos, jalapeno cheetos, boiled peanuts or a pickle ! gas station pickles aren't actually that bad imo so 🤞

 This question is making me hungry but I fear my mother is still in the kitchen ... I didn't usually have a go-to snack, but whenever we go to a gas station I get Kitkats and Cool Ranch Doritos. Sometimes, I'll get Lifesavers too. Saturday I went to the store with my dad, who only planned on buying two things. We left with a full cart, most of it being snacks (Oreos, Doritos, crackers, pretzels, Funion rings ...)

I do love spicy chips or noodles. Indomie/Lucky Me pancit canton is especially yummy. Now I'm craving some... I also enjoy pudding! Though, I'm more than content with cheese or Spanish bread.

i actually went to the store yesterday funny enough! i don’t get snacks too often but i got these nutella wafer things as well as some whale crackers :P also, sour patch kids! they’re my favorite candy. ^_^

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