Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 33 answers · 24d

QOTD — What type of area would you like to live at? Near the beach, in the city, ect?
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if by environment, somewhere where the weather doesn't change often but isn't extreme . by laws & cities, an inclusive city without any laws again marginalized groups, which is most likely in the western world - also no language barriers either that's scary

  ︶ † ︶  country with my pumpkin has to be it. I always grew up around nature and in the area, it’s been a place I would like to live in. it allows me to be away from people and I won’t have many triggers there for my rage episodes ! having my love there would be great. of course, I wouldn’t mind it being in walking distance of a small little city so I can commute.

in the city ૮₍‎ ྀི ˘ ᵕ ˘ ‎ ྀི‎₎ა i am not a big fan of the beach for autistic sensory reasons

i already live at the very best place i've ever lived...i literally live a block away from the's so beautiful

idk tbh I’m very adaptive…. Anywhere I frequently walk and is close to places I can get stuff relating to my interests is good enough for me :3

Hm, this is hard… While I would be content anywhere as long as my dears lived close + it was accessible for me, being near the ocean would be nice! I don’t live near one right now, but I visit sometimes. The last time I visited was last month! I should come again soon.

⠀ Small town, close enough to a city for convenience, far enough to avoid the extreme noise, but also near either a forest or a large body of water! I’m very indecisive, but just in general a place with a lot of plant life

ive never thought about it too much ,, I’ve always liked living in cities, but there isn’t a specific place id lkke yk

NEAR THE BEACH probably cuz it makes me wanna go surfing but brah idk how to surf i just really... want to??

IM OK WITH WHERE I LIVE RN which is close enough to a city to get there on a bus but its not busy or loud around here!!! ^_^

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