Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 37 answers · 3d

QOTD — What should others know about you before they attempt to get close?
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i say wtv even it will hurt your feelings.. im just very blunt abt the things on my mind and i dont like to sugarcoat

I am not the easiest person to "communicate with" because I am prone to misunderstandings and have a "thought process" that's "difficult" to understand ... In the past⸝ I've been accused of using these things as an excuse to make others "uncomfortable⸝" but I am genuinely unaware that most do not come to the "same conclusions" that I would. ꒰ ′̥̥̥ ⌑ ‵̥̥̥ ꒱

I am super duper anxious!!! About everything! Talking 1 on 1 makes me nervous because it makes me feel like I'm forcing the other person to interact with me even if they initiated the interaction! Also!!! I have bpd and ocd! Which means I obsess often about if people actually want me around as a friend. Therefore I can be a bit clingy at times :[

ugh ok i randomly shut down cuz my paranoia bites me in the ass. i yap abt my ocs a lot and well mos tof their backstories contain CONCERNING things.......... ill tw it but expect a paragraph of spoilers. i also yap abt my sp/ins everyday ESPECIALLY alice in borderland and appledash Nd u WILL see me talking abt stoning my partner, any fictional character im attached to, or @CSM.

if you can’t match my freak (ironic brainrot humor) (shared obsession with ocs and art) then don’t expect much from me or my actual personality 🗣️

I’m really unstable. I’m prone to being reactionary and I tend to forget context a lot. I’m prone to jealousy and I’m very easy to make jealous or get a reaction out of, especially if it has to do with my faith.

i tend to act a bit self absorbed, also i forget to reply; also im hard to get close to, its rly impossible for me to consider you close

there's so many things that i've genuinely thought about writing a manual at one point. biggest one is uh. if I make you feel special you're probably not I kinda act the same way towards everyone. oops.

  • awfully paranoid

  • i'm very nervous in conversations and afraid of accidentally making people upset and stuff so i appreciate when people are patient and understanding with me

  • i mirror people as a defense mechanism so i need to be assured that i can be myself

I’m very TALKATIVE so so sometimes I may be a bit “overwhelming” and I also get really attached to people easily and I get really sad when a friend cuts ties with me :( I promise I try to be very friendly and kind though so always lmk if you feel u comfortable with something!

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