Daniel · 15 answers · 4y

Are you vegan? Do you consider being vegan one day? Why?/Why not?

no, mostly because I have been eating meat and animal products my whole life and don't have it in me to restrict such a large part of my diet. if I couldn't use fish sauce in my cooking anymore I would literally DIE. however, I do try and reduce my meat consumption when I can (I don't usually cook with meat) and drink vegan milk (oat, NOT almond) for environmental reasons since I can't buy local.

I think it's also important to know that not all vegan products are cruelty-free. if you do enough research I'm sure you can figure out exactly which products to buy to reduce the amount of cruelty you support, but I can't stand it when vegans claim some moral high ground for being vegan not knowing that plenty of vegan products rely on exploited labor to the point of cruelty.

ALSO, eating meat and animal products isn't inherently evil. people were doing eating that stuff sustainably for millennia until industrialization made it unsustainable.

I think vegetarianism is more attainable for me if that's what I rly wanted to do, but certain animal products are a big part of my culture's food and I don't wanna give that up.

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