Daniel · 16 answers · 2y

What's your opinion about people who don't want to get vaccinated against corona?

I can't force anyone to make decisions about their body they're not comfortable with, but respectfully, I think that those people are misinformed to death. Unless you have a medical reason (immune compromised) to not get vaccinated there's no good reason not to.

The data shows that with vaccination, hospitalization rates drop significantly. You can still get covid with vaccination, of course (this is not a unique feature of the covid vaccines BTW), but the chances of you getting it drop significantly. If you do end up contracting it, the chances of the infection being life-threatening drop SIGNIFICANTLY compared to without vaccination.

People wanna talk about covid having a 99% survival rate? I hope you have talked to enough people who have survived with covid because it looks like even many survivors of covid aren't having a good time!!! Long haul covid is real... "long term effects" of a vaccine are not. Any [RARE] adverse reactions that may result from a vaccine present themselves early, not long term.

Y'all wanna talk about the vaccine being rushed? Covid is not the only coronavirus that exists. SARS and MERS outbreaks of the past have given researchers an extra several years of head start, and when the international bureaucratic priority for COVID kicked in, we had so many resources and people working on the same problem that it was inevitable that an effective vaccine would be developed quickly. Y'all ever work in research before? I have (and do currently), and I can tell you that so many things could get done at the speed of light if regular scientific research received the bureaucratic and funding priority that covid received.

Y'all wanna talk about "why do i have to get vaccinated if i mask up everywhere?" Why should you have airbags if you already wear a seatbelt? Risk mitigation is multilayered.

Y'all wanna talk about "i don't want the vaccine bc idk what's in it, what if it changes my DNA"? Of course you don't know what's in it. You fuckers don't even know what mRNA is. Well let me tell u something. mRNA is NOTORIOUSLY UNSTABLE AND DESIGNED TO DEGRADE QUICKLY. I did RNA work when I was in grad school and there's this running joke about working with RNA in the lab: "if you look at it wrong, it'll degrade." That's because mRNA in a normal cell is meant to be a transient messenger of information. It contains a small transcript of a DNA segment, it gets exported from the nucleus of the cell, the message gets translated into a protein at a ribosome, then the RNA degrades. That's how it works. With the vaccine, because the mRNA is coated in lipid nanoparticles you obviously skip the nuclear export step, but all the same -- the mRNA gets translated at a ribosome and then it degrades. NOTICE HOW IT WONT ENTER UR NUCLEUS!!!!!!!! That's why mRNA from the vaccines CANNOT change your DNA! RNA does NOT get imported back into the nucleus for any reason whatsoever. And even if it did, I fail to see how it could enact any changes in DNA.

Unless an honorary biologist here has information I don't, me and my biology degree will be screaming about this bullshit while we stay in a pandemic for the next year because ppl won't get vaccinated. see ya

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