Wasserpistole · 13 answers · 4y

"Charlize Theron is raising her son as a girl." Your opinion?

My onion is that I need more information because this seems like an oversimplified headline in an attempt to get people of both extremes on the continuum to think something specific. But also, I don't care enough to look up that information myself -- it's her kid and it doesn't sound like anything harmful is happening.

Andy mentions discomfort with the idea that you'd impose life changing decision on children, but... that's literally all we do to kids, whether you raise them by more traditional ideals/methods or by whatever you'd classify this as. It is literally impossible to raise them in ANY way without contributing something to their personality, worldview, identity, their mental health, etc. Just because you raise your kids by a "traditional" route doesn't mean you aren't going to damage them.

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