Daniel · 4 answers · 4y

What are you proud of, but never have an excuse to talk about?

I used to have horrible social anxiety and insecurity in middle & high school tbh. For several years I skipped lunch every day because I didn't want people to see me eat, and I didn't want to stand in the unfamiliar lunch line. When I finally got hungry enough I'd bring my food and eat it in the library (even tho you're not supposed to eat in the library) to hide from people. Also most days in high school the anxiety was so bad I wanted to throw up every morning before school. I had a really hard time making friends until my VERY last year in high school when I got super lucky and made friends who raised me up.

NOW my social skills are not something I have to worry about. I can make friends in the classroom, I can confidently teach and give talks in front of people, I can hold my own on dates and all that. People have actually told me they find me intimidating because of how I hold myself. a complete reversal from how I was in high school

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