Wasserpistole · 8 answers · 4y

I don't vote and it is not even because of that saying "If voting could change anything it would be made illegal!" Why is voting important for you or why do you think it is a waste?

given the way the U.S. electoral college works and the fact that I live in a swing state, my vote does actually matter, so I do it. even when I didn't live in a swing state voting was 1) easy enough (mail-in ballot) and 2) especially important for local elections. now that I live here, voting is not easy (I had to wait 3 hours in line in the middle of my work day to vote in the democratic early voting of my state), but it's still important. you'd be surprised at how much a few votes can sway the outcome. if nothing else I just like my opinions to be known, and I can do that by having my vote counted.

also, my parents didn't come across the ocean to this country for me to waste my vote or throw away any potential opportunity for change. that seems like an insult to where I came from

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